Tuesday 21 October 2014

Welcome Guys!

I am just a novice guitar player (I am still learning, and am still terrible :/) but I love to create my own custom tones and presets using the Fender Mustang amp. I currently have the Fender Mustang III (V1) at the time of writing, so all presets will be created on -and for- that amp, but will be compatible with the V2 Series, and as far as I'm aware; the Bronco Series of amp?? I could be wrong.

I forewarn you all, though: I will be uploading mostly -if not exclusively-, heavy metal and hard rock presets. Also, my favorite band is Iron Maiden, so I should like to find most of the tones for all their best albums. Also, Metallica, Megadeth, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Dio, etc. and some rock, like ACDC, Whitesnake, Guns 'n' Roses, Led Zeppelin etc.

OK, well. This post was simply to state the purpose of this site, and my intent. I hope you will all check out and enjoy all presets I upload in the future! Please comment, and give a rating for presets, let me know how I can improve on the presets, or what you liked. I would appreciate it! :)
You may also subscribe to a feed of all uploads for the future, to keep you updated, if you so wish.

  • I may upload updates to presets, improving on or completely starting over with them
  • I may use the 'wrong' cabinet, it seems sometimes or the amp model, but I sometimes need to if I need more gain where the suitable amp model may not be able to provide it etc. 
  • I may have too much gain on some presets, because at the moment, I mostly only have access to an Ibanez Roadster Series with single coil pickups and, well, I think we know we will not get the most tight, gainy response sometimes needed for heavy metal.
  • I will try to keep the volume of all my presets equalized but they will inevitably vary. I have tried to make them around the average volume of the default Fender presets.
  • You may wish to tweak some presets because I may like slightly more gain, you may like less, more treble/less treble, bass etc.
  • Some presets may have some more 'edge' put on them than the original, either because it gives it a bit more umph, or it just makes it more enjoyable to jam with the volume down a bit lower.
  • As a general rule with all amps, the bass will make a muddy interference with the overall tone, when the amp is cranked up. If you are jamming with friends or just turning the amp up louder than normal home use, try adjusting the Bass down about 10-15%, and maybe a little Mids also, to keep the tone sharp and sweet :D
  • Most, if not all of my presets were made using and for use with the bridge pickup, because to me, the neck and merged pickup positions can sound too muddy, but my all means experiment and change the pickup position or adjust the preset as needed. For solos (if no special solo preset is made, the neck pickup sometimes will sound better)
  • I am a busy guy, so presets are uploaded, well.. randomly, so don't expect a pattern


Unknown said...

Hi buddy,

As you know, I really like your maiden presets. I am playing a lot of Maiden and specially some song of the first Iron Maiden album. I am using the No of the beast preset though. It would be nice if you eventually come out with a preset of this album.

ThemTones said...

Hi Rick, it's ThemTones (me lol, I can't sign in at the moment so it's anonymous), I have been having an issue with my amp recently, which seems pretty permanent this time (it's happened a few times but repaired itself). This issue is that the amp has lost all tone, and I can't get any brightness or gain-heavy sound out of it and the bass is muffled :/ (I can just about squeeze some out with a booster!).

Until this is fixed I will not be making any presets, but once it's fixed I will definitely upload more presets, and namely the "Iron Maiden" album preset and maybe killers.

Unknown said...

Ya, I knew it was you!

I hope you'll be able to fix your amp soon.

Since then, I'll keep watching for your new presets on Fender Fuse.

ThemTones said...

If you're looking on Fuse, I won't be uploading the presets there, as that's the reason I made the blog. It's easier for me, and there isn't as much to sign into etc.

I was thinking of getting a V2 amp but might make V1-compatible versions if applicable. That's if I get one.

Unknown said...

I'll keem watching in your site ounce a week.

Unknown said...

Great presets. I hope you've fixed your amp and soon you will upload more of them. I'm eagerly waiting for them. Maybe some Dio or Rainbow presets :)

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, I intend to upload some presets soon, I have not forgotten haha. Just extremely busy. i will try my best!

Unknown said...

Hello my friend,

The new Maiden album as just come out. Will you do a preset of this album?

Anonymous said...

If eternity should fail! :D

Unknown said...

I hope you're still there :)